Budwig Protocol

Budwig Protocol is the best alternative treatment for cancer. It acts upon the prime cause of the cancer. Prime cause of the cancer is lack of oxygen in the cells, as discovered by Dr Otto Warburg in 1931 and was awarded Noble Prize. He proposed that sulfur containing protein (found in cheese) and some unknown fat is required to attract oxygen into the cell. For many decades scientists were trying to identify this unknown and mysterious fat but nobody succeeded.

Then in 1949, Dr Johanna Budwig developed Paper Chromatography to identify fats. With this technique she could prove that electron rich highly unsaturated Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids (Flax oil being the richest source) were the mysterious and undiscovered decisive fats required to attract oxygen into the cells, which Otto Warburg could not find. She studied the electromagnetic function of pi-electrons of the linolenic acid in the cell membranes, for nerve function, secretions, mitosis, as well as cell division.

This way she developed a simple cure for cancer, based on the consumption of Flax oil with low fat Quark or cottage cheese, raw organic diet, mild exercise, Flax oil massage and the healing powers of the sun. She treated approx. 2500 cancer patients during last few decades. Her success was over 90% in all cancer, and this was achieved in cases, which were rejected by Allopathic doctors.

Documented 90% success

Patient Stories

Lynn cures her colon cancer

Hi Dr. Verma, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in Dec 2008. My tumor marker went normal about 4 months after I started my Budwig Diet. But I’m doing fruit-vegetable juicing, coffee enema and taking a bunch of supplements as well. At the end of the year, I was able to confirm I was in remission when I had my PET CT scan. Thank God, I’m in remission until now (2020 Feb). I motivate and help Cancer patients cure by Budwig Protocol. Lynn

Lucie Bois cured her breast Cancer

I shrunk a big tumor (8.5 cm) in my right breast using Budwig protocol, lots of fresh home made veggies juices, organic products, coffee enemas and much more. 
The tumor has shrunk and could barely be detected on my last Doppler ultrasound test last September and my tumor markers went back into normal range. It took me 2 years and a half to be there.  Lucie Bois Dec 15, 2016

Alisha D’Mello cured her mom

Hello Dr Verma, thank you for your inspiration and guidance. My mother who has uterine cancer had started the budwig protocol, coffee enemas, light exercise and prayer.  Liver met was stable after 3 months, started shrinking after another 3 months. She got results for her CT scan today (its been 6 months since the last one) and all clear! She will continue with her diet indefinitely. Alisha D’Mello, Dec 17, 2016

Heal the Cancer - Reverse the cause


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Cancer Cause And Cure - A must read if you want to understand and heal cancer

 This book provides both an introduction of Dr. Budwig’s cancer research and her treatment in detail. Her protocol is based on the consumption of Flax oil with low fat Quark or cottage cheese, raw organic diet, mild exercise, Flax oil massage, and the healing powers of the sun. She treated approx. 2500 cancer patients with 90% success in all types of cancer, and this was achieved in cases, which were rejected by Allopathic doctors. 

The book is very helpful and easy to read and grasp. Scientific concepts made understandable! This book is highly recommended for anyone who is affected by cancer. The book also suggests many top notch alternative cancer therapies.

Best seller on amazon
