Thank you Dominik.

Great that this is being taped. That way, my wife can watch it, too. First of all, I’d like to welcome you all. As Dominik has mentioned, I want to talk about cancer, today. I know that cancer is the kind of topic that you only deal with if you really have to. And why is that? Well it’s because most people are scared of it. We feel helpless when it comes to cancer. But I promise you that after tonight, you will feel a lot less scared. Because cancer is not as bad as it’s made out to be.

Before I start with presentation, I’ll tell you something very important. Cancer is not an intellectual topic. It is, in fact, a highly emotional one. The term ‘cancer’ is closely tied to hope, hopelessness, pain, death. And these are all highly emotional topics. I really want to know and even to feel how a cancer sufferer feels. I could talk about this for half an hour. But you know what? It only takes 10 seconds for me to show you how a cancer sufferer feels.

Would you all just stand up for a moment? Thank you. You only need to do the following to understand how a cancer sufferer feels: Just try and stand on one leg, if you can. Lift up your arms. I count to 3 and you say “yes” really loud. 1, 2, 3 – Yes. Thank you.

Before you think: ‘Well, this is not the most intelligent guy from Swabia that Dominik has ever invited.’ What’s this has got to do with cancer? You know that most people with cancer feel like before they are diagnosed by their doctor? They feel relatively healthy. They work’ they eat, they have sex.

They may have a small tumour, but their blood count is fine. Everything is relatively normal. And then something absolutely crazy happens. This is unique to oncology. It happens nowhere else.

The doctor says: “Mrs. Miller, Mr. Smith, in order for you to get healthy again, I’ll have to make you really ill.” Imagine that! I have to repeat it’ because it’s so utterly crazy: “For you to get healthy, I’ll have to make you ill. I’ve got to cut you open with a knife. I’ve got to inject you with mustard gas. Worse still, I’ll have to use cancer-causing radiation therapy.”

And I’m telling you, this is completely crazy. It’s at least as crazy as you standing there doing silly things. And then, something else happens.

The doctor says: “Mrs. Miller, Mr. Smith, is it okay to cut you open and inject you with cyclophosphamide?” And do you know what most people say?

“Yes.” Just like you.

But why do they all say yes? Because they trust their doctor. I’m not against trusting doctor. But do you know what I’ve come to learn?

You thought: “Well, I’m just gonna do what this nice guy is telling me.”

“I’m gonna stand there in a funny way and shout ‘yes’.”

Because you trusted me, you trusted Dominik. Because you didn’t think he would invite some idiot. And it’s the same with patients.

What I’ve come to learn within the last 20 years is that I do some crazy things sometimes, and doctors do some crazy things. Okay. Now, let’s take a look at the world of oncology. This is what it looks like. Every week, there are reports about some breakthrough in oncology. But here are real numbers. There are no breakthroughs. There are none, there haven’t been any – and to be honest – there will be none any time soon.

And why is that? Well, I get straight to the main point. It’s the dogmas. They are more dogmatic than the Catholic Church. It’s only dogmas and no science. I’ll prove it to you in a minute. That’s why, tonight, I want you to join me on an oncological journey which has taken me to more than 50 countries in the last few years, where I was able to talk to many wonderful people to learn what cancer is about, and how it should be treated.

The first dogma is: Oncology is a science. Seriously, you get 4 different opinions from 4;_nc_ohc=_wgKqZZZUvEAX-HY4UCu0026amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fjai1-1.fnau0026amp;_nc_tp=6u0026amp;oh=d99b5266830215a52de0bbf4f06c4044u0026amp;oe=5ED81754

different doctors. What’s scientific about that? Nothing at all. Oncology is trial and error. There is no science.

And then there’s this dogma here. So many intelligent people. I’m not suggesting university professors are stupid, not at all. I’ve met many fantastic people. But you know what I’ve noticed? They get it wrong sometimes. Here’s an example. Until a few years ago, everyone said that humans had 100,000 genes. How many genes we have, isn’t so important.

But do you know what is? How is it possible that 100,000 professors –intelligent people- from universities all over the world could spout such nonsense?

Simple. Someone said something – he created a dogma – and everyone else just repeated it, without checking if it’s true. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying these people are stupid. Not at all. They are great people. But I do know one thing: Someone says something, and the rest just repeats it.

And here’s the next dogma: We know what causes cancer. Only about two months ago, the German Cancer Research Center published this study. 165,000 cases could be prevented if we smoked less. Drank less alcohol and ate a better diet. But I’ll tell you something: They know the cause in a third of the cases. But in two thirds of the cases they had no idea. Absolutely no clue. You see, you can get quite far in life without having any clue. And they’re not the only ones.

You’ve got to take a look at this. The German Cancer research Centre in Heidelberg, in Swabia of all places. Over 3,000 staff, squandering over 300 million Euros of taxpayers’ money every year. This doesn’t even include the money from the pharmaceutical industry. Such an enormous amount of money, and all they can say is: Don’t smoke and eat so much.

But let’s look at the figures. In Germany, there are 20 million smokers. But only 50,000, that’s 0.225% of all smokers actually get cancer.

No further comments. This is what we should focus on instead: [99.75% of smokers don’t get cancer]. This means that most of the smokers don’t get cancer. And if you ask the doctors why they get cancer, they say it’s the genes.

And if I ask why the others don’t get cancer, they also say it’s the genes.

So what do we need? You know what we really need? We really need a lot more cancer research. That’s the problem. We just don’t do enough research.

I’ll show you something I did 10 years ago. I compiled what had been published within a period of a month and half. This. And this, this and this. Stop! Let’s stop right here. I could go on another 50 times. 50 times. And nothing happened.

Now, it’s 10 years later. Last spring, I reviewed 200 of those studies that I had compiled in 2008. Was any one of them of any use? Did any one of them lead to any progress in oncology?

No! Not one of them has led to a drug that would increase someone’s lifespan, etc. 210 billion Euros on in terms of research money, and not one person has survived because of it. What are they doing all day long? Seriously, what are they doing?

Now I’ll show you something that you may have never thought about before. They’re always talking about cancer studies. But you know what? What is a study anyway?

I’ll take group of people and give them a drug. Then I’ll take another group and don’t give them the drug. Then, I’ll compare the two.

For the last 50 years, there has not been on such study in oncology, not one. Why is that? It’s ethics.

Just imagine, they want to tell us that it’s ethical to inject someone with mustard gas, but it’s unethical to eat organic food.

What kind of ethics is that? Not mine. It’s got nothing at all to do with ethics. You know what they’ve been doing? For the last 50 years, all they’ve been doing is comparing a Lada with a Trabant. For the Swiss: A Trabant is the Porsche from Eastern Germany. Obviously one of them is faster, one of them uses less petrol, one of them is quieter. Well, no they’re both loud, actually.

But you know what they’re not telling you? There are also other cars, like a Tesla and Mercedes. Come on, I’m from Stuttgart. We’ve got Porsche and Mercedes. They are never used as the reference.

You know what this is? It’s painting with only three colours. Chemotherapy, radiation and operation. I’ll use only three colours for all my paintings. And if you were to add a fourth, a fifth or a sixth colour, do you know what they’d call you? They would call you a quack, like me, or an esoteric nutcase.

And if I was to say: “But there are so many beautiful colours.” They’d say: “No, there aren’t.”

Who’s the culprit? It’s the genes. This is the worst dogma there is. And what makes them think that? I mean, these professors are not stupid. Well, it’s down to the pathologists. Because a pathologist decides whether someone has cancer or not. By the way, pathologists always work in the basement. Did you know that? Pathologists work in the basement of hospital.

And here comes the problem. Do you know what they see when they look into the microscope? This is what they see: They see mutations! And because they keep seeing mutations, They conclude that mutations are the cause of cancer.

But is that true? Could it be that a mutation is an adaption rather than a degeneration? By the way, they are still using the term ‘degeneration’.

May be we should also ask the following question: At what point does a pathologist discover the tumour? When it first divides or years later? Well, of course, he’ll only discover it a lot later.

To cut a long story short, mutations – and they are a fact, no doubt, I’ve seen enough of them under the microscope – they are not the starting point of cancer.

It always starts out with some sort of stress, then the cell membrane changes, the mitochondria change and so on. And much later, after many fallen domino stones, that’s when mutations appear.

And here is a faulty reasoning: Because pathologists don’t take into account at what stage

they’re seeing these mutations, they conclude that mutations are the cause of cancer. And genes determine our lives. Although we know a lot more about genes, nowadays, genes still control everything.

Did you know that a banana has more genes than you do? Just imagine. A banana has 30-40% more genes than you do.

What else is bad? Apes have 98.5% genes common with us. Worst of all, my neighbor, you don’t know my neighbor, otherwise you’d understand. It’s impossible. It’s impossible that my neighbor and I share 99.5% of the genes! No, you really don’t know my neighbor, otherwise you would know what I mean. It’s complete rubbish!

It can’t be our genes! I’ll show you an example. BRAC1 and BRAC2 is short for breast cancer 1 and breast cancer 2. It is claimed that if woman have these genes, they will get breast cancer. You take some highly intelligent Hollywood star as a figurehead, who has had breast cut off. And that’s supposed to be the solution. What they’re not telling you, however, is that Ashkenazi women – the Ashkenazi are a mainly Jewish group – those women have these genes. 1 in 40, in some studies even 1 in 30 has this gene. So it’s 10 or 20 times more frequent than normal. Do they have more cases of breast cancer? No, not at all. I have asked many intelligent geneticists: “They do have those genes, so why don’t they have more cases of breast cancer?” They can’t answer it.

Do you know what else they’re not telling you? All of these studies originate in Salt Lake City, with the Mormons. And coincidentally, it’s also home to the company which makes all the money from it. And it’s sickening that operations are being touted as the solution. What they’re not just the case with breast cancer, it’s the same with testicular cancer, colon cancer and brain tumours. I have to say that for some people, having an operation can be a good option. But when you think about it, it’s crazy cutting it out if something is wrong.

And as far as mutations are concerned, the theory is wrong, so the answers are wrong as well. You know, I used to feel really small compared to all those intelligent professors.

In the beginning, I didn’t dare speak up until one professor said to me: “Why don’t you ask my colleagues the following question: Why does the heart never get cancer?” It’s got trillions of genes, but they never degenerate. Why is that? And there are many other places in the body that never develop tumours.

But the heart is the biggest organ where there’s never a tumour. Why are there no mutations? And you know what’s really schizophrenic? During the morning, a professor is teaching his students that one single mutated scattered cancer cell can create new tumours if it goes through the lymphatic circulatory system. That same afternoon, he’s ordering biopsies at the hospital. Did you know that during every biopsy, millions of cancer cells spread to the tissues? Not 1 or 2, but millions.

Explain that! I’ve asked so many doctors. But you never get a proper answer. We know that about 0.2/0.3 Gray, a unit for measuring radiation, creates new cancer cells. A woman with breast cancer gets 54 Gray, which is 150 times more than what actually causes cancer.

What? Listen carefully! Woman suffering from breast cancer gets 150 times more radiation than the dose known to create new cancer cells.

I’m even going to pour oil on the fire: Many, many years ago, two researchers called Goldbatt and Cameron, who continued the work of a very smart scientist called Otto Warburg, who received the noble prize in 1931, could prove that genes are not that important at all.

But if you deprive cells of oxygen, they turn into cancer cells. This research has been proven many times over, but it is deliberately ignored, not published and swept under the carpet.

My life has changed completely because of this work, which was published in ‘Bild der Wissenschaft’ in Germany in 1974, titled ‘Teratomas and chimeras’. In it, two American researchers proved that you can remove the nucleus- so you take this nasty nucleus out of the cancer cell and implant it into a another cell, e.g. in a rat or a frog.;_nc_ohc=28OWjv7MTbcAX-irLfDu0026amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fjai1-1.fnau0026amp;oh=7576157fa8590fc53cb084e750755bd6u0026amp;oe=5ECFFC90

And what happens? Nothing!

But if you did the same with the rest of the cell, the part where there’s no abnormality, you would indeed be able to create new tumours.

When I read that and once I understood what it meant, and after asking a few professors about an explanation.

I just said: Stop! No more!

And that was many years ago. Then I went on a search for people who knew a lot about cancer. And I found them. And all of a sudden, I realised that there are some very intelligent theories.

Not about mutations, but mitochondria, which are small organelles producing our energy, ATP, in the cells.

Or adrenalin, I don’t have the time to go into it, now. But I realised that those theories do provide the answer. I’ll show you a few.

Why does our heart never get cancer? Simple. And it’s got nothing to do with mutations. In order for a cell to turn into a cancer cell, the tension of the cell membrane has to decrease. What have we got in the heart? A lot of electricity! Remember what’s an ECG. And of course the electricity can’t decrease, because otherwise the heart would just stop beating. You would be dead long before a tumour could develop.

This theory as such is not so important. I just want you to see that if you really give it some thought, you will find the right answers.

Furthermore, 30 years ago, Dr. Waltraut Fryda actually showed how a lack of adrenalin can lead to cancer. We know it and it’s science, but academia doesn’t seem to be interested, although it’s verifiably true.

Even in alternative medicine, it is claimed that cancer is due to immune deficiency. But this is based on the misconception that an intact immune system would be able to get rid of that horrible cancer.

But I’ll explain to you in a minute why cancer is not horrible at all, quite the contrary. I asked myself why so many people still died of cancer, although there are so many intelligent people out there. That was about 18years ago.

So I started to travel the world. I was infected with the cancer virus, so to speak. I desperately wanted to find the best cancer therapy. I decided to leave all the books and theories aside. I was just going to see what kind of cancer treatments there were worldwide. And basically, there are 4 kinds: tumour destruction, immune modulation, nutritional therapies and those looking for the causes.

The only viable therapy for conventional medicine is to destroy the tumour, because their approach is to kill it, if they detect something is wrong. That’s why all therapies without exception are based on killing the culprit.

But even alternative medicine uses many tumour destroying therapies. Why is that? Simple: There’s a big market for it.

That is to say: I’d like to be rid of my tumour within 2 days, if possible. Even if it has taken years to grow. People are so scared of tumours, they just want to see it gone, removed, destroyed, irradiated, whatever.

I won’t go into it. Then there are those therapies that modulate – not boost – the immune system. Because the immune system works very well, but it changes the therapies. There are many intelligent therapies around the world. Then there are nutritional therapies. Don’t let them tell you they don’t exist. I’ve been accused by people that claimed they didn’t exist. You know what? I don’t have to believe it, I know.

How do I know? Because I’ve met people who had done a Budwig, Gerson or a macrobiotic diet. I know they had done that and recovered. So I don’t have to believe, I know!

And most importantly, there are those therapies looking for the causes. This is what’s most needed in oncology, today. I’ll go into more detail later.

So, about 10 years ago, I was travelling around the world, trying to get to the bottom of this and at some paint I was, today you would call it burnt out.

I was frustrated, disgusted and repulsed, to be honest. Because I didn’t make any progress. I just didn’t get why so many people died of cancer. At that stage, I went and bought some books, for some reason. I’m a bookworm , you know. I could read all day long. And I bought books on evolution. And all of a sudden, it all made sense.

I understood why people get cancer and how it needs to be treated. Most of all, I noticed the errors in my way of thinking all those years. I’ll show where I went wrong. Just so you’ll understand, we’ll have to go back about 2 billion years. Back then, there were only single-cell organisms that lived on our planet devoid of oxygen.

And then something happened. About 2 billion years ago, the first blue-green algae started to produce oxygen. Unfortunately, oxygen is highly toxic and could kill those single-cell organisms. So, now, there were bacteria that could handle the oxygen. And the two of them got married.

And over the course of 800 million years-800 million years! – they combined to form what’s called mitochondria. These little parts that are contained in all our cells. Although there’s only one nucleus, a cell can have between 500-5000 mitochondria. And interestingly, the mitochondria come with their own DNA. We’ve got the nucleus with the DNA, but mitochondria have DNA as well.

And it took another 1.2 billion years until the mitochondria were able to produce 18 times more energy [than an anaerobic organism]. Why is this so important? What does it have to do with cancer? 1.2 billion years latter homo sapiens appeared, with his 100 trillion cells. Basically, what we are today. And to be honest, to this day, we still have cells that live with oxygen and cells that don’t.

And we really haven’t changed all that much. Two weeks ago, I went hiking in South Tyrol and I saw some people…. I’d say we really haven’t changed that much. We still consist of both anaerobic and aerobic cells. And do you know what cancer cells basically are? Cancer cells are normal cells that can live without oxygen.

Human life on this planet wouldn’t exist today. Each and every one of you developed without oxygen, because when the egg and the sperm merge, the whole implantation process, occurs without oxygen. Or the healing process after you’ve cut yourself occurs without oxygen.

So cancer cells are something that evolution deliberately created and they are needed. They create and sustain life on this planet. Without anaerobic possibilities, no embryo could develop in the uterus.

It that something bad? No it isn’t. And that’s what I realised. I studied the laws of evolution and this is what I’ve come to understand:

There are many laws, for example the law of the survival of the fittest, that is the survival of the most adaptable.

But there’s one law above all: Survival. The survival of the species, to be precise. Once I got that and once I started to see everything I knew about cancer from that perspective, I realised what had been my biggest misconception:

Health is our most valuable asset and illness is bad. My mother was a nurse and she would often say that health was our most valuable asset. I myself worked in a hospital for 11 years. I’ve seen many sick and dying people. And I always thought that illness was something bad.

But it’s actually the other way around. What we’re calling illness, symptoms or syndromes is nothing but a body regulation. Whatever it is, every illness, be it physical or psychological, is a regulation with only one goal in mind:

Survival of the species today. Today. It’s difficult to fathom sometimes, because we like to think more long – term. But no. Evolution wants you to survive today and procreate.

This is what evolution is all about. Illnesses develop along a timeline of symptoms. And over time, they take on a momentum of their own. That is to say at the start, the illness is benign and in the end it will kill you. No matter what illness. Here are some examples:

The main problem of conventional medicine is that it only looks at the end of the illness, the negative consequences. Whatever the symptom, it is bad and has to be treated. The result is that it is not people that are being treated, not even illnesses, but only the symptoms.

But let’s look at one of the most common illnesses besides cancer, hypertension. But is hypertension something bad? No, not at all.

Hypertension improves the blood supply to vital organs, capillary blood circulation, detoxification. It even prevents arteriosclerosis, but in the end, it does kill you.

The same goes for cancer. Cancer is really good. It metabolizes 18 times more sugars, if you have a problem with sugars. And who hasn’t? It blocks toxins. It collects and detoxifies toxins. It shows you: Hey, you’ve got to make some changes to your life or you won’t survive! The most adaptable survive in evolution. In the end, of course, they become cachectic and die.

But it’s on this timeline that you have to understand cancer. And the most important take-away point for you is that cancer cells are not evil. Cancer cells don’t want to do any harm. You are the cancer.

If you have a tumour in your chest, who is it? An alien? No!

It’s you, your own cells. There’s no evil. If you didn’t have the tumour, you would die a lot earlier.

What are the causes of cancer? There are basically 3 reasons:

Toxins, yes, of course, they exist, for example asbestos and coal tar, but they only constitute a very small part.

The largest part is due to trauma, mainly something unexpected hitting you really hard, and permanent stress, which is what Waltraut Fryda has demonstrated.

If you’ve been married to an alcoholic for 10 years, that kind of stress will lower your level of adrenalin, more sugar will go into the cell, the cell needs to find a way to get rid of the sugar, so it turns off the oxygen supply and burns the sugar. That simple.

And you know the most important part? Everything l’ve just said is verifiable. It’s not some esoteric nonsense. It’s measurable. We can measure it in the brain. We can measure the level of adrenalin. We can measure the sodium-potassium pump. We can measure all of it.

But oncologists are not even interested in any of it. If I say to them: “Hang on, this is not quackery, it’s no esoteric nonsense, it’s actual science.

I can prove to you that this is happening in a cancer patient. You just have to measure it.”

“We won’t, because we’ve got our tumour markers and the pathologist. Why should we measure anything else?”

Once I understood all of this years ago, I also understood something else. About 15 years ago, I found out the following.

I’ve talked to many final stage survivors and I asked them how they did that. And 3 things stood out: Nutrition, detoxification and energetics. Diet and detoxing was a common factor for two thirds of the cases. There really are some great nutritional therapies. I like the Gerson therapy a lot.

And also the oil protein diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig. I was a student of Dr. Johanna Budwig. I was very fortunate to be able to work with her for 5 years on and off.

And apart from Dr Fryda, there’s no other woman that I have learned this much form in my life. And if someone says there’s no such thing as nutritional therapy, they can come to me and I’ll prove them wrong.

The next is detoxification. If you’ve been poisoned, you’ll need to detoxify. And it’s quite ridiculous for conventional medicine to claim that people have been poisoned by smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol, etc.

But if someone has been poisoned, they should detoxify, which is exactly what conventional medicine does not do. So we’ve got a bunch of people that have been poisoned, but instead of detoxifying, they inject them with cyclophosphamide and platinum, thereby poisoning the patients even more.

It makes no sense.

And although it is claimed that these toxins cause cancer, it is never checked what toxin was the cause of cancer for a particular patient. Which begs the question: How can a person prevent ingesting that particular toxin in the future, if he doesn’t even know which toxin made him so ill in the first place?

But all we need are dogmas, we don’t need any science.

Detoxifying, of course, is also about preventing toxins getting into the body, not only about getting them out.

The most important part, however, is doing energetic work. What does that entail?

Simple: Let’s look at what defines our life. I hope you’re like me, love plays the most important part in my life. It’s what should drive you in life.

Faith, no doubt. Not only in Muslim countries or for Buddhists, but also in Christian countries, faith plays an important part. Even for atheist, faith plays a big part, because they don’t believe in anything. That’s also a belief.

Next, sexuality. Come on, sexuality plays a big part. Let me ask you a question, all of you Swiss people: Who’s had an incredible orgasm this week? Show of hands, please. Oh!

I thought we had problems in Swabia, but apparently, it’s not any better in Switzerland. I’ll put the meagre show of hands down to Swiss modesty. But let’s just agree that sexuality plays a big part.

Ego satisfaction. You know I’m from Swabia. Do you know how much I hate it when my neighbor gets a new Mercedes. I can’t stand it! He’s got more ego satisfaction than I have.

Food plays a big part and fear. Fear dominates our life.

Many people are unaware of it. But do you know that you can control people with fear? Pharmaceutical companies, politicians, doctors. Do you think anyone would undergo a chemotherapy, if the doctor didn’t say: “Mr. Miller, if you don’t do it, then…..”

It’s the doctor’s favorite phrase, when they want their patients to do something. “Mr. Miller, if you don’t do it, then…” It causes so much fear. So let’s take a look at what happens, if someone has cancer. Love expands and plays an even bigger part in your life. Fear weights heavily on you.

Faith behaves like wind to fire: little faith gets blown out and great faith gets even bigger. Appetite decreases.

Sexuality and libido is at – 1. The nice thing is that is the ego and greed lose their importance.

I keep getting asked why I work so much with the terminally ill and the dying.

I’m telling you it’s great working with terminally ill cancer patients. Do you know why? I can talk to these people about the really important stuff in life. Why are we here? What’s the purpose? All of these highly spiritual topics you can discuss with people who don’t care about ego and greed anymore.

Now take a look. All these things that play such an important role in our lives are of no interest to the oncological faculty at all.

A doctor doesn’t care what’s going on in your life, because he thinks he knows why you have cancer. Because there’s a mutation. So he doesn’t need to go into more detail.

Do you know that in Germany, an oncologist talks to his patients an average of 7 minutes and 36 seconds? 7 minutes and 36 seconds! And interestingly, in Switzerland, it’s 14 minutes. Nearly double. The survey was done in Bern, however, and we know that they have a different concept of time there.

What’s the big advantage here? The doctor doesn’t have to treat Mrs. Miller or Mr. Smith. He can treat the tumour. He is not interested in the slightest in the life of his patient.

So what did those people do that have recovered? What did they actually do for the tumor to disappear? Although all the doctors said it was hopeless. Firstly, it was down to system leaps. What does that mean? Well. We all live within systems: our family, our jobs, our belief systems, our sexuality, etc.

But you know , if nothing changes, nothing changes. If you are ill, the first thing to find out is what needs to change. Because what will happen, if you make no changes? You will continue on the same path that made you sick and at the end, certain death awaits. That’s why system leaps are the most important factor.

The next thing is looking for causes, which is what we focus on in our center. How can someone get healthy, and most of all, stay healthy, if he doesn’t know the reason he got ill. In every area, whether I want to repair a car or a washing machine, they first look for the cause. They don’t say: “All washing machines don’t work, because…” But that’s how it goes with cancer patients. In Germany, there have been 50,000 new cases of breast cancer this year. Apparently, the reason is the same for every woman. That’s rubbish. Even someone without a university degree will realize that sometime. Right.

Do you know what these people didn’t do? They never asked: “How can I get better, what doctor, what therapy can help me?” They just looked for the ‘why’. They found reasons why they should recover. The important thing here is: not for the family, not for the husband, the wife, but for themselves. I can tell you one thing: If you’re sick, you become selfish. This is the only way you can get better.

Next, you’ve got to do the mental work. Positive thinking is important, at least to some extent. You know, I met many people that were thinking positively and still they died. Here, expectation is much more important. You have to expect to get better and live accordingly. You should be pregnant, you should get married, you should order a Tesla with 6 months delivery time. You should do all these things, not just think positively.

Next, spiritual accompaniment is very important for many people. And here’s something that I didn’t understand when a patient first told me about it. Many patients make a contract with themselves. Many patients make a contract with themselves. You know, I used to work in psychiatry. At first, I really thought it was quite a strange and schizophrenic thing to do.

But then I became aware of the positive dynamics that such contracts unleash. The wording is always similar: “Listen, dear tumour, we’ve got a lose-lose situation here. If you get bigger, I’ll die. But if I die, so will you. So let’s just turn this into a win-win situation.

You, my dear tumour, will become small again, don’t die.” You are the tumour, don’t die. “Just divide normally. You’re getting smaller and let me live.

And today, this month, this year, I – the host of this tumour – will change the following…”

And I recommend putting it in writing. Just imagine the momentum. If both parties comply with the contract, the host can’t die.

Many years ago, I invited Arkadij Petrov, one of the most well-known Russian healers, to Germany. And he put it quite well: “It’s quite easy getting rid of cancer.”

­“Have such an amazing life that this tumour wants to grow old with you.” At first, I just smiled at it. But if you really think about it, you go: Wow, that’s how it is! All I have to do is show the tumour what a great human being I am, and that growing old with me will be worth it.

I’ve told you so much tonight. And some of you might ask: “Is all of that gibberish? Is that true? No chemo or radiation therapy? That’s supposed to help people? Come on!”

I’d like to show you something. This is our center near Stuttgart. More than 90% are patients that have exhausted all other therapeutic options, where the cancer has metastasized in the bones, lungs, liver or brain, mainly, or patients with lung or pancreatic cancer.

A few years ago, we conducted a study. We did this study only with those patients that had a written statement by their doctor that they would not live for much longer. Why did we do that? Simple: If a patient survives in our center, they say he didn’t have proper diagnosis and that none of it is true.

We started our 73 patients, but we took our 6, because they had only just a diagnosis and we only wanted people that doctors had given up on.

And this is the result after 2 years. Out of those 67 patients, 36 were still alive after 2 years, although everyone said they would die sooner. But that’s not the only outcome. We had 8 patients with metastases of the lungs, the liver, etc. and they were completely tumour-free. They didn’t have any tumours anymore. They were in complete remission. For two other patients, the PET-scan came out clear.

In addition, with 15 patients, the tumour was stable or became smaller. They were on their way to healing. You have to keep in mind that tumours don’t go away so quickly.

If the lungs are compromised, I tell the patient that it could take a few years.

And it’s completely fine, if the tumour becomes encapsulated and both get to live to 100. Who cares? But then, look here, there are three zeros. These are the results of conventional medicine. So what’s going on? Conventional practitioners claim that there are miracle healings taking place in our centre, so-called spontaneous remissions.

But the term is wrong on two counts. First healings are never spontaneous, and second, they are not remissions, which would mean a temporary improvement, but real healing occurs.

Normally, spontaneous remissions occur in 1 out of 100,000 patients. 1 out of 100,000. In our center, depending how you look at it, it is 1 out of 2 or 1 out of 6. So in our centre, we constantly get spontaneous re… Are we the German Lourdes? Because we constantly get inexplainable healings.

But that’s nonsense, of course. Our healings can’t be compared to Lourdes. Because in Lourdes, the patients wait to be healed by someone else. Whereas our patients get a kick up the backside, we demand incredible commitment, we tell them what they need to do every day. And that’s hard work.

As for palliative therapies, I’m a big opponent. Why? Because even the donkey from the Town Musicians of Bremen said: “You can always find something better than death.”

And palliative therapy is not about whether you die, but when. And here’s another interesting point: I’ve talked to so many final stage survivors. None of them had had chemotherapy or radiation therapy, not one. They had all done something else.

And the biggest question I have is: How successful could those therapies be, if they were not only made available to patients close to death, but right after the diagnosis? And this is the reason why we are being ‘attacked’, if you will. This is my take on 20th century oncology: tumours are evil and have to be eradicated. Full stop.

But there’s also the oncology of the 21st century. And it looks like this: No healing without changing the cause. And this is hard work. Because for every single patient you will have to find the reason why they got that particular tumour in that particular place at that particular time.

This is the only way oncology can work in the 21st century. And please don’t fall into the trap of thinking that chemo and radiation therapy can cure cancer, because you know someone who has had one.

I’ll tell you something: You’ve been programmed to think that. One programme is: The more side effects, the better the medication. Love has got many side effects, too. That’s rubbish.

Another programme is: If someone has had chemo and he survives, it’s because of the chemo. If someone has had chemo and dies, he dies in spite of receiving chemo, the best therapy in the world. This has been programmed into our brains. But isn’t it maybe just the other way round?

If someone has had chemo and he survives, he has survived in spite of all the toxins he received. And if he dies, it’s maybe because he didn’t get a better therapy or dare I say it, he died because of the chemo.

We, the health care professionals as well as the patients should and have to understand that tumours are useful. They’re not evil and they help us to survive.

Don’t think it’s down to a weak immune system. That’s nonsense. Cancer patients have a perfect good immune system. The immune system doesn’t kill the tumour, because the tumour helps the patient to survive. It would make no sense to kill the tumour. And remember this: Healing takes place in a relaxed state, when the parasympathetic nervous system dominates. The sympathetic nervous system means stress and the parasympathetic nervous system keeps us relaxed, for example when we sleep at night.

A friend of mine always says, it’s like with a plane. You can’t repair a jet in mid-air. You’ve got to bring it down into the hanger, in a state of rest, and there, you can repair it. This is vitally important. And another mistake is to think that it’s the tumour that needs therapy. Listen, the tumour is probably less than 1% of your body weight, less than 1% of your cells, normally. You know what needs therapy? The other 99%, not the 1%. The focus should be on the person, his life and his happiness.

The focus shouldn’t be on the tumour. As we are getting to the end, I’ve got to tell you something you might not want to hear, but this is what we’ve come to learn in the last 20 years: The sicker you are, the more discipline you need. You can’t just put your feet up and rely on God, the Virgin Mary or anyone else for help. They won’t. It’s you! It’s down to you. Your doctor, your natural health practitioner and your parish priest can help you. But you are responsible for your healing. So don’t just think: “My doctor will make me better.” He’ll help you, but he won’t heal you. I got a lot of stick for it, but in my view, therapy should come before an operation. Why? Because many times, I’ve seen that using therapy first will give you two benefits: First, you can see by the size of your tumour whether the therapy is any good, and second, there’s often no need for an operation anymore because the tumour disappears.

So please don’t think tumours are evil and always kill their host. It’s really not true. This is the final part. In recent years, we have come to understand that in the later stages of cancer, cytostatics, be it in the form of vitamin or chemotherapy, are hardly of any use. If you have a metastasis of the lung, bones or liver, even alternative cytostatics don’t help any more.

For the people to make their way back into life, the focus has to be on one thing only: Look for the cause. The only way to survive is to find the cause. This year, about 250,000 people will die of cancer in Germany, 220,000 of which have done palliative therapies. And the reason for doing palliative therapies was because doctors said they would prolong life or improve the quality of life. I’m saying that’s nonsense. First of all I don’t see how chemotherapy can improve the quality of life.

I really don’t get that. This is a study released only about 3 months ago. To summarize, they came to conclusion that irrespective of the kind of tumour, people whose cancer had metastasized, and who had received chemotherapy, lived on for about 12 months. And those who didn’t, lived on for over 15 months.

So the claim that chemotherapy helped patients in a palliative situation is something that I can’t accept, simply because I have seen for myself that it’s not true and because all this data speaks a different language. Right. This is the last slide. Cancer is curable as long as you can find the cause, as long as you can find a reason to live. And don’t ever think that nobody can help you! It only means that others can’t. We’re in Basel. I’d like to tell you a little story.

Over 10 years ago, I was here at Dr. Rau’s Paracelsus Clinic that Dominik has mentioned, too. There was quite a well-known and well-off Swiss patient. I talked to her, because she had been on her deathbed. I asked her my standard question: “Explain to me what it was that got you back into life?” Imagine the scene: Sunday afternoon, the priest and all the family are there, because the doctor had said that she would die that day, but she didn’t. And that’s not all. A year later, she was back in her life and nearly 2 years later she was tumour-free. And I asked her: “Do you remember what you were thinking on your deathbed?” She answered: “I know exactly what it was. One thought kept me going. I was thinking ‘I won’t give him the satisfaction.’ She then explained to me that she was quite rich and famous, with a much younger husband who had a much younger lover. And as my kids would say, she thought:”Fuck you, I won’t do that! I’ll come back and show them!” I like telling that story because it’s funny and because it shows something else. This woman had about 30-40 bone metastases, she’d had a large metastasis of the brain, she’d had such a massive swelling that she had been pumped full of cortisone. She had had all of that, but she just didn’t die, because that thought kept her alive. If you manage to make your way back to life, if you manage to find a reason, a reason can create a pull. It pulls you back to life. If you find that reason, you can come back from any illness. Just like inspector Columbo and Steve Jobs used to say: one more thing. Everyone of you here is unbelievably privileged, compared to 7 billion other people, that you can be here today, and that you have such a wonderful life.

Please be aware of the fact that you and I are spending another day in paradise, today. I’d like to thank you all for sharing your most precious possession with me today, your time. Whether you might think, there’s nothing more precious than time. I’d like to say BIG THANK YOU to you, everyone, and you, Dominik, for this wonderful day and for bringing together so many great people, and I hope that you will share with the world what you have learned today. Some revolutions started with only one person. We are more than 300. We can achieve great things. Thank you so much.

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