● 100 g sauerkraut
● ½ L of water or ● vegetable stock
● 1 teaspoon whole caraway
● 100 g toasted buckwheat groats (kasha)
● 1 teaspoon red chili powder
● ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
● ½ teaspoon of Himalayan salt
● ½ teaspoon pumpkin seeds
● 125g of oleolux
● ½ cup finely chopped cilantro leaves
Bringing the water to a boil and add the chopped sauerkraut, red chilies, salt, caraway, and the buckwheat grouts to the boiling water. Simmer on medium heat till it is almost cooked. Add oleolox, simmer for one minute and switch off the burner. Garnish with cilantro and pumpkin seeds. It is very refreshing and easy on digestion, even by the unwell.