Nettle Tea – Superstar of Herbs
Stinging Nettle (urtica dioica) is a green perennial flowering plant native to Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. It has green, heart-shaped, serrated-looking leaves, 3 to 5 cm long with thin stinging hairs, which release a stinging poisonous liquid that enters the skin when hairs are crushed. Though not dangerous, it causes intense irritation in the skin, imitating scorpion sting (University of Maryland Medical Center).
● Nettle is rich in vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, folic acid, C, D, E, and K as well as minerals like iron, potassium, copper, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, selenium, silica, chromium and others. It also contains flavonoids, acetylcholine, serotonin, essential amino acids, and proteins. Nettles nourish and support the entire body, particularly the endocrine, immune, urinary, respiratory, and circulatory systems.
● Powerful tonic and blood purifier – stimulates appetite,.
● Cancer – Dr. Budwig has suggested cancer patients to use fresh Nettle tea as it provides powerful Anti-oxidants, immunity boosters, and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
● Fertility – Increase fertility, ensure conception, Vital for fetal health, prevent birth defects, and promote a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery. It prevents hemorrhage after childbirth due to high levels of vitamin K. It increases the quality and quantity of breast milk.
● Fertility – Increase fertility, ensure conception, Vital for fetal health, prevent birth defects, and promote a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery. It prevents hemorrhage after childbirth due to high levels of vitamin K. It increases the quality and quantity of breast milk.
● The high levels of iron present in the tea are essential to improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. It also decreases sugar levels in the blood.
● Nettle tea also helps with respiratory problems by fighting coughs, tuberculosis, flu, hay fever, and asthma.
● It strengthens bones (Osteoporosis, fractures) and used in rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout, and tendonitis.
● You should drink this tea if you have broken or frail nails.
● Used clinically for Iron-deficiency anemia and as a venous tonic for varicose veins, capillary fragility, and excessive bruising.
● It lowers high creatinine, helps cleanse the kidneys and blood. It can also improve kidney functions and improve urine volume. It treats kidney and urinary tract infections. Nettle leaf has a diuretic effect and can help remove excess fluid from the body. It can also help prevent and treat kidney stones.
● Helps clear excessive uric acid from the blood.
● Stops bleeding and help in hematuria, nose bleed, and bleeding piles.
● Relieves menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, and bloating. It is used in P.M.S., menorrhagia, dysmenorrheal, and fibroids.
● Helps in benign enlarged prostate and reduces the incidence of prostate cancer.
● Helps with gastrointestinal disease, worms, IBS, and constipation. Destroys intestinal worms or parasites. It has a slight laxative effect.
● Has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and sciatica.
● It is used in skin infections, itching, scabies, eczema, and psoriasis. Gargles of Nettle juice help heal mouth and throat infections and prevent dental plaque.
● Boosts hair growth and helps regain natural hair color and luster.
● It is supposed to be very useful if you are suffering a hangover after over-drinking the night before, or if you have recently stopped smoking and want to cleanse your body of the poisons contained in cigarettes.
Recipe – To make Nettle tea infuse 2 to 4 grams of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 15-20 minutes and take such tea 3 times a day. You can also sprinkle crushed nettle leaves on yogurt and salad.● Fertility – Increase fertility, ensure conception, Vital for fetal health, prevent birth defects, and promote a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery. It prevents hemorrhage after childbirth due to high levels of vitamin K. It increases the quality and quantity of breast milk.